Friday, 31 March 2023


 Friends are the most coolest and important part of our life . Friends are probably the only people who will understand the depth of our silence than our words . Certain feelings and emotions that you cannot share with your family can be shared with your friends .

 Individuals come across numerous people throughout their life, Those who are near us become our companions . We may have a big group of companions in school and college ,yet we realize that we can rely on only a few with whom we share genuine  friendships . We have different types of relation ship with people around us . With a few of them , we share a blood bond such as with our family and with others we forge  own connections . Friendship is one such relationship which we choose by ourselves . God has given us this liberty to choose friends because they are , in most instance , for  a lifetime . A friend is someone who is initially a stranger and then takes his/her place above all other relationship . Friendship is considered one of the treasures that anyone can have. 

Role of a friend 

Friends are an integeral part of our life .

With friends we celebrate good times

and provide support in bad times.

Friends helps to fight odds and warst situation in a easier or we can say simpler way.

                        - Kajal Pal


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