Friday, 31 March 2023


 Friends are the most coolest and important part of our life . Friends are probably the only people who will understand the depth of our silence than our words . Certain feelings and emotions that you cannot share with your family can be shared with your friends .

 Individuals come across numerous people throughout their life, Those who are near us become our companions . We may have a big group of companions in school and college ,yet we realize that we can rely on only a few with whom we share genuine  friendships . We have different types of relation ship with people around us . With a few of them , we share a blood bond such as with our family and with others we forge  own connections . Friendship is one such relationship which we choose by ourselves . God has given us this liberty to choose friends because they are , in most instance , for  a lifetime . A friend is someone who is initially a stranger and then takes his/her place above all other relationship . Friendship is considered one of the treasures that anyone can have. 

Role of a friend 

Friends are an integeral part of our life .

With friends we celebrate good times

and provide support in bad times.

Friends helps to fight odds and warst situation in a easier or we can say simpler way.

                        - Kajal Pal

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Sustainable Development

Adopt Sustainable Development 
Good Future Enrollment........
  Sustainable development aims  to bringa balance between meeting the requirements of what the present demands while not overlooking the needs of future generations.  It acknowledges natures aim to work towards the development of different aspects of the world . Sustainable development is making the world a better place now for everyone without destroying the possibilities for the next generations. 

First of all we have to take care of our planets we have many natural eco sysytem that must be imbalance in order for us to live here. Doing well by doing the right thing by improving the quality of the human life while living in the carrying  capacity of the environment.  
              There are many measures to take up for practising sustainable development, to begin with ,it is important to ensure clean and hygenic and working conditions for the people.
Most importantly, we must encourage afforestation. Including environmental education as part of the school and college curriculum will also help similarly, it is essential to socialize and humanize all environmental issues .We also encourage uses of non conventional sources of energy ,especially solar energy .Looking for substitutesfpr proven dangerous materials on the basis of local resources and needs will help . We must produce environment freindly products .
Sustainable development continuously seeks to achieve social and economical progress in ways which will not exhaust the earths finite natural resources. Thus ,we must all develop ways to meet these needs so that our future generations can inherit a healthier and greener planet.

Family - A Bond Of Love

Happy ,lovely family 
Makes Bonds Strongly.....

Everything in this world has some definition and description, but sometimes  we lack word while describing  some special person or things. One such word is the family .Family is nit a simple word,it is full of emotions than can only be felt .
People with family are considered the more blessed and lucky in this world .
            God's greatest gift to all is family .A family is one with whom, we can share or express our joys and sorrows. All festivals are incomplete without family members . Family gives you the warmth and affection that you may not get anywhere else. 
The environment of the family has surely been experienced by almost every living being . It is impossible for  a person to be complete and happy without the love of their family  . There is no other factor in the world that impacts everyone more than a family .The character of every individual is deeply affected by family .
Values give families a guide on how they live their life .It influences in the decision making , relation behaviour  ,Family values protects us from making hurtful decisions in futue . Family are the foundation of society and the most important thing in our lives .Family is the real support system that I have realized many times.  You will always have your family by your side no matter what life throws at you. You will find your support through tough times and a source of joy during good times.
                                   Kajal Pal

Can Technology Be a Threat?

Advancement in technology has been a topic of debate for many years. Some people believe that it is good, while others argue that it is bad....